04 December 2018

Consulting a Book

The following is almost entirely stolen from James Young. I added the bit about INT MODs and slightly simplified the result table.


  • Player characters start hauling a library around in a cart.
  • You know what to do when players want to do research.
  • You know what to do when players try to read a book and you have to make something up.
  • Intelligence is now a more interesting Attribute.


How many books do you have and how long will you spend researching your question?

Time spentDice rolled on table below
1 hour1d6
3 hours1d6+1
6 hours1d6+2
9 hours1d6+3
2 days1d6+4
4 days1d6+5
1 week1d6+6
2 weeks1d8+6
3 weeks1d10+6
4 weeks1d12+6
Roll on the following table before asking a question you believe might be answerable by the book(s) you're consulting.

You may add 1 to the roll if you pass an INT test.

You may add 1 to the roll for each additional relevant book consulted.

Penalties might be imposed if the reader is of very low Intelligence or doesn't have sufficient background to easily understand the book.
2One word
3One word and roll again
4Three words
5Three words and roll again
6Full sentence
7Full sentence and roll again
8Detailed explanation
9+Detailed explanation and roll again
Note: the Referee will say "your question isn't relevant to the text of this book" if you've simply wasted your time.


  1. Is there a limit to how many roll-agains can happen? Or the time spent per book? A d20 list of "irrelevant information you learned instead" would be a wonderful addition

    1. No limits, but some information isn't in any given book, of course.

      I like your addition. Write it so I can add it!


type some text to make some words
