19 November 2018

Universal Oldschool RPG Mechanic Toolkit

Before I even explain what this is, I want to show off my favorite part of my Universal Oldschool RPG Mechanic Toolkit:


When playing an oldschool RPG, the usual procedure is of play is:

1. Referee describes the situation through the characters' senses.
2. Players ask questions.
3. Players take personal action with their character.
4. Referee resolves the consequences of the action and returns to step 1.

Step 1 is usually accomplished naturally based on the Referee’s knowledge of the overall setting and of the specific circumstances involved. When it isn’t, refer to Other Adjudication Methods in the linked document.

Step 4 usually happens according to the rules described in whatever system you’re using. Sometimes, however, you will find a gap in those rules requiring you to resolve consequences without a specific rule to help you do so. When that happens, refer to Player Action Resolution Methods in the linked document.


  1. Hi, Michael... Maybe you covered this in a discussion elsewhere, but imI curious: why did you go with low rolls are better, especially with the D&D reaction table?

    1. I'm used to low numbers being better. That's all, really. I invite you to make a roll over table if you like though! I'd give you editing permissions. Or you can post it on your blog, and I'll add it to my doc. Whatever.

    2. No need to give me edit privs... I already did something like this, but with roll high. It generalized several possible dice combos so that I could specify "You need a Very High result to succeed" and anyone using that resource could use whatever dice roll is appropriate in their system.

      Mechanics-Neutral Rules

      I'm considering updating it, though.

    3. Neat, thanks for sharing. I'm a fan of your blog, but I don't remember that post.

  2. Double thousand plus good -Fraker


type some text to make some words
