26 July 2018

Cleric Spells Are Herbs


Herbs with a rarity of 0 may be found by scavenging for herbs.

Roll a d12 on the Replaced Spells list when foraging for herbs to gain the associated herb. Those with special knowledge may roll a larger die. Rarer herbs must usually be found by questing, but may occasionally be available for purchase.


Herb LevelBaseline Cost
0 100 GP
1 200 GP
2 600 GP
3 800 GP
4 1000 GP

Replaced Spells


Rarity - Spell Name - Duration - Save - Effect

1. 0 - Bless

1 min/lvl - SV no
-+1 hit/+1 save VS fear. Opposite is Bane.

2. 0 - Cure Light Wounds

Perm - SV Wis
½ dmg Heal for 1d8/3 lvls (max 4d8). Hurt undead, get Wis save.

3. 0 - Detect Alignment

10 min/lvl - SV no
Concentrate for 1 round in direction and sense alignment specified in range.

4. 0 - Invisibility to Undead

10 min/lvl - SV Int neg
Invisible until ends/attack/cast buff/attack spell. Those attacking suffer -8 at roll. Intelligent undead get save.

5. 0 - Protection from Alignment

3 rnd/lvl - SV no
-+2 AC/Saves against chosen alignment. Protects against possession as well.

6. 0 - Purify Food & Drink

Perm - SV no
Make food eatable.

7. 0 - Remove Fear

Special - SV no
-+4 to save effects. If already Feared get another save at +1.

8. 0 - Sanctuary

1rnd lvl - SV special
Warded character can’t attack or cast offensive spells or ends. Attackers must make Wis save or can’t attack warded char.

9. 0 - Turn Undead - Salt

Perm - SV no 
Repel undead of HD equal to the character's level+1. Roll 2d6 to determine the number of undead turned, with a minimum of 1. Turned undead will attempt to leave the area. Undead with the lowest HD are affected first.

10. 0 - Detect Magic

1 min/lvl - SV no
Concentrate for 1 round in direction to sense magic in varying degrees of strength. Passes through thin barriers.

11. 0 - Detect Poison

10 min/lvl- SV no
Detect whether one target has been poisoned/is poisonous.

12. 0 - Endure Elements

24 hours- SV no
Ignore intense weather conditions.

13. 0 - Command

1 rnd - SV Chr neg
One word command, 1 creature/2lvls. Can reverse magical effects like Sleep.

14. 1- Detect Undead

1 min/lvl - SV no
Concentrate for 1 round in direction to sense undead. Passes through thin barriers.

15. 1 - Resist Elements

1 min/lvl - SV no
-+2 save against specified element.

16. 2 - Augery

Instant - SV no
Find out if particular actions have good/bad consequences. 70 + 1%/lvl chance for answer. Events up to 30 min seen.

17. 2 - Consecrate

2 hrs/lvl - SV no
Holy land - +3 Turn undead/+1 VS fear. Undead suffer -1 to all rolls. Opposite is Bane.

18. 2 - Delay Poison

1 hr/lvl - SV Con neg
Cannot be affected by poison during spell duration.

19. 2 - Hold Person

1rnd/lvl - SV Wis neg 
Hold person physically in place. Can do mental shit.

20. 2 - Remove Paralysis

Special - SV no
Removes magical or non magical paralysis.

21. 3 - Dispel Magic

1d6 rnd - SV no
Suppresses magic for 1d6 rounds in 60ft radius

22. 3 - Remove Blindness/Deafness/Curse/Disease

Perm - SV no
Specify which one you are removing. One effect per casting.

23. 4 - Neutralize Poison

Perm - SV Con neg
Stops poison and temp effects (but not ones that have already happened). Can be used on poisonous creatures.

24. 4 - Restoration

Perm - SV no
Restores 1 level lost by level drain (not death). Restores ability scores affected by temporary drain, but not perm.

Herb Generator

I recommend using this herb generator by ktrey parker to create herbs for the above "spells." It's very good.


Michael R. Bacon. Spell format modified from Mike Evans. Ideas used (with permission) from James Young in a chat room. Herb generator by ktrey parker.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I'm surprised nobody else has talked about it. (Although Throne of Salt used it here: https://throneofsalt.blogspot.com/2018/07/banner-saga-in-osr.html


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