19 December 2017

Traveler's Pond

Characters who start in Village City have been exiled because the government has officially deemed them a nuisance. The player characters must not return to the Village without sufficient sp to buy their way out of exile. Before leaving, they may visit the Travelers Pond.
The player character may throw half of their Starting SP into the pond or drip some blood (-1 HP) into the pond to summon the Traveler's Pond Spirit who instantly gives the player a blessing.
Roll to determine the spirit and roll again to determine a detail about its personality.
d6Spiritd6Personality Detail
1Tadpole1Ancient & grumpy
3Snail3Tells false rumors
4Green scum4Believes world is friendly
5Lily pad5Tries to take back deal
6Water hyacinth6Gives farming tips for ponds

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